The world of ancient Rome unfolds before our eyes as the Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and...
It was from the legend Ridley Scott, and here continues the iconic saga of power, vengeance, and...
Step into Wicked! That first 10 minutes are magic, showing audiences the unforgettable landing of Elphaba and...
With IF, Framestore showcases its skills in creating characters for a movie featuring more than 42 Imaginary...
As 2024 draws to a close, Framestore is proud to look back on a year of incredible...
Framestore’s VFX team brought Alex Garland’s gritty, documentary-style vision to life for Civil War, creating the explosive...
In Civil War, Framestore brings Washington, D.C., to life with groundbreaking VFX that seamlessly integrates with in-camera...
The second season of the political thriller The Diplomat on Netflix is a natural follow-up to the...