From the director of The Greatest Showman, Michael Gracey brings to life the meteoric rise and fall...
James Gunn redefines the iconic Man of Steel in a stunning new trailer for Superman. This first...
The Academy has announced the ten films shortlisted in the Visual Effects category for the 97th Oscars....
Prepare to see the next chapter of the Marvel Cinematic Universe in this special look at Captain...
The Academy has officially announced its 15 shortlisted films vying for the highly coveted Best Animated Feature...
The Academy has announced 19 finalists for the 2025 Visual Effects Oscar, including a combination of the...
Danny Boyle and Alex Garland are reunited for the highly awaited 28 Years Later. The first trailer...
The Animation Society of India organized an enlightening Game Gurukula event on December 7, 2024 at Prasad...
Prepare for a thrilling story of isolation, mystery, and survival with The Gorge, premiering February 14 on...
PRESS RELEASE Digitoonz and Citrus Ink Studio launch DGX, a new disruptive venture in VFX, Animation and...