The Animation Society of India organized an enlightening Game Gurukula event on December 7, 2024 at Prasad Studios, Chennai. The event brought expert-led sessions and interactive discussions to deeper dive into the world of gaming.
The session on Intellectual Property creation, led by Harish Chengaiah, the founder of Outlier Games, was one of the brightest highlights. Harish presented rich insights into the importance of IPs in the gaming industry, building strategies for IPs, and their role in long-term growth and innovation.
Another interesting session was game art, where Somneel Saha and Sougata Mukherjee from Create On Games presented their experience in the creative process behind game art and all the possibilities it brings into the industry. Panel discussions concluded the event, with sessions on game design, production challenges, and emerging trends. Game Gurukula 2024 is a must-attend for gaming enthusiasts.